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PREX, short for Parish Renewal Experience is a conversion experience, a rediscovery of our faith. It is about the parishes renewing themselves. This weekend seminar is focused on the response to the search for direction and approaches for strengthening and deepening the life of the parish. Sta. Teresita Parish had been conducting this renewal program for the past years. The fruit of this is that a good number of parishioners are getting more involved in various ministries each year.
PREX Batch 92 was held last November 9 and 10, 2014 at the parish multi-
The PREX Secretariat headed by the chair couple together with the sponsoring class met to tackle on the continuity of PREX 92. The assigned lead couple were Kuya John Perez and Ate Aira. Regular meetings were then held wherein the invitation for prospective participants and fund solicitations were discussed. It was a strenuous but fulfilling preparation. Finally everything was set for November 9 and 10. The different committees collaborated to implement the plan for Batch 92. The venue was very well prepared and decorated.
There were sixteen recruits who heeded the call. The set of speakers from recollection to the talk proper were very well chosen. The flow of the seminar went on smoothly. Most of the participants were touched and were teary-
After the mass, they assembled again in the venue for the graduation ceremony where they were joined with their family members and friends. The graduation began with an inspirational message of Fr. Richard. Then each participant was called to share his/her feelings and impressions of PREX program. They were given flowers by wishers and souvenirs were handed to them. The activity was very festive. All of them shared their unique experiences. These inspired them a lot to be more intense in the love and service of the Lord. The graduation rite ended with candle lighting while singing “If We Hold on Together”.
PREX Secretariat Member